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HomeTipsUnderstanding Your Chihuahua’s Body Language

Understanding Your Chihuahua’s Body Language

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Dog body language is an essential aspect of understanding your Chihuahua. These unique little dogs may share traits with other breeds, but every Chihuahua owner knows just how different their pup truly is. As a result, recognizing the idiosyncrasies of these dogs is crucial for any current or future Chihuahua parent.

An owner should always be able to read their Chihuahua’s body language. With this cheat sheet, you can better understand your pup’s feelings.

Noticing a Chihuahua’s Body Posture

First, it’s important to see the differences in a Chihuahua’s body posture. A small dog’s posture may change depending on their current mood.

For example, a relaxed dog will have a much different stance than a fearful one. A playful pup will look nothing like a shy dog.

Chihuahuas are known to be a very loyal and protective breed. However, some can be quite shy. Shy Chihuahuas may change their body posture so that they appear smaller. If you see your pup tucking their tail and contracting their body, their temperament one of shyness or fear, you may have a rather timid dog.

Meanwhile, a more dominant Chihuahua will instead stand up straight up with its tail high. Whereas a shy or scared dog will avert their eyes, a dominant one will meet your eyes with no problem. 

If your Chihuahua is in an aggressive or protective mode, you may notice the fur on the back of your pup seemingly raised. This is a raising of their hackles. All dogs partake in this move when feeling rather dominant. 

Finally, a relaxed dog will seem calm, with its tail in a regular position. You won’t see any tension in the pup’s tail, body, ears, or eyes. 

Different Chihuahua Tail Positions

a dog on a leash. dog body language signs.
The tail’s position is a strong indicator in the dog body language world. Source: Rafael Guajardo/Pexels

Now that we understand the general body postures of Chihuahuas, let’s focus more on the different tail positions your pup may adopt. 

Similar to other dog breeds, a wagging tail is a good thing. If your Chihuahua is wagging their tail, that means your pup is happy and content. If your dog is wagging their tail faster than you’ve ever seen it wag, this could indicate that your pup is very excited and wants to play.

Sometimes, a timid dog can wag their tail slowly. For example, this could occur when your shy Chihuahua is meeting another person for the first time. 

Meanwhile, a tucked tail tends to indicate that your dog is feeling uncomfortable. Chihuahuas tuck their tails when they feel shy, scared, stressed, or anxious. Understanding their overall body posture can help you narrow down exactly what your Chihuahua is feeling.

Is your pup holding their tail up high? At the very least, this means your Chihuahua is alert and focused. However, if this high tail appears around another dog, your Chihuahua could be acting protective, dominant, or even aggressive.

Alert and Flattened Ears

Recognizing the different ear positions of your Chihuahua can further help you understand your pup’s overall mood. For example, a relaxed dog will always have ears that look calm. They will appear to be in a neutral position.

By comparison, if your pup is in protective mode, they’ll have very alert ears. Everything about their body will be tense. These ears may also appear to be pinned back if they’re feeling dominant. 

Shy Chihuahuas may flatten their ears. However, shy Chihuahuas shouldn’t do this 24/7. When they’re with you, they should be relaxed. If your pup is always flattening their ears, they could be very frightened or feel sick.

A Chihuahua’s Vocalizations

a dog wearing a sweater
Chihuahuas are a very vocal breed. Source: Erik Izsóf/Unsplash

Every dog is different. Thus, every Chihuahua is different. However, it’s safe to say that Chihuahuas tend to be a very vocal breed. 

Don’t be worried if you feel your Chihuahua is barking at just about everything. They’ll bark at a knock at the door, when meeting strangers, or whenever they hear something odd. If you have a particularly protective Chihuahua, get used to hearing their bark!

Your pup may whine if they want something, such as the food off your plate or their favorite toy. However, if your Chihuahua is whining and showing an anxious body posture, more could be at play. Analyze your pup to figure out what’s going on.

Growling tends to serve as a warning. If your Chihuahua is growing, they’re feeling aggressive. Figure out why. 

Chihuahua Mouth Expressions

Sometimes, dogs can make odd moves with their mouth. If your Chihuahua has a slightly open mouth that seems natural, they’re relaxed and happy. A more tightly closed mouth could mean that your dog is feeling very stressed. They could also be alert.

Yawning may seem completely natural. However, it tends to indicate that your dog may feel stressed or uncomfortable.

Lip licking can also indicate severe nerves. If lip licking is paired with yawning, your Chihuahua is definitely feeling stressed about something.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Liz Stelow explained this “red flag” in dogs, explaining to Psychology Today, “Unless you just fed your dog something tasty, you should not see him licking his lips. The two most common causes of this behavior are nausea and stress. If you are walking toward your dog with something a bit scary, you can bet it’s stress. This behavior is often paired with panting or yawning.” 

Finally, if your Chihuahua is showing their teeth and pulling back their lip, they’re feeling aggressive. 

Chihuahua Eye Meanings

a white dog with black eyes
A Chihuahua’s eyes are the windows to its soul. Source: Mao Li/Pexels

Analyzing your dog’s eyes is one of the absolute best ways to understand what your Chihuahua may be feeling. We all know our own dogs. We all know when our pups are looking at us differently!

A happy and calm Chihuahua’s eyes will appear rather soft. You won’t see any tension in their eyes, and they’ll easily be able to meet your own eyes.

Meanwhile, a scared Chihuahua will likely avert their eyes as much as possible. Shy Chihuahuas also do this.

Chihuahuas can often be seen squinting. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Often, it simply means they’re showing affection. Sometimes, it could be because the sun is in their eyes. However, if they are squinting while also showing a tense or scared body posture, this could mean they feel frightened or are sick.

What dog doesn’t side-eye? This little adorable quirk is common, even among Chihuahuas. Your pup may be side-eyeing you if they feel a little anxious or shy. Further analyzing their body will help you better understand what your Chihuahua is actually feeling.

Chihuahuas are small dogs with a very large personality. They often think they’re much bigger than they are. So, if they’re ever in a tense face-off with another dog, they’ll easily assert their dominance by staring at their foe straight on! They won’t be intimidated.  

Every Chihuahua Is Different

Chihuahuas can be quite similar to one another. But every dog is different. Understanding how your dog acts, and how their body posture is paired with their unique temperament, will help you connect more with your Chihuahua. 

Learn your dog’s quirks. Find out how they respond and change their body posture in different situations. Before you know it, you’ll have a much deeper bond with your Chihuahua!

Want more insights into your Chihuahua’s behavior, health, and happiness? Subscribe to The Chi Society for expert tips, heartwarming stories, and the latest Chihuahua news straight to your inbox!

Julia Mehalko
Julia Mehalko
Julia is a writer with a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Growing up, she had two Chihuahua/Daschund/Jack Russell mixes that she adored. Thanks to these two loyal yet sassy dogs, Julia has a soft spot in her heart for all Chihuahua pups!


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