Scooby, a 15-year-old Chihuahua, stars in this heartwarming Chihuahua rescue story, which might have begun with a search for Scooby snacks. He accidentally slipped through an open vent and into his owner’s HVAC unit in the basement of their Lincoln, Nebraska, home. It was easy for the little guy to fit into the snug space but getting him out would be a different story.
It was the Christmas season of 2024, on a clear day, with a low of 11°F. Chaos ensued, and the snow-colored Chihuahua’s panicked parent quickly called Lincoln Animal Control for help. Animal Control Officer (ACO) Nick Finelli and his fellow ACO, Gruhn, acted immediately.
As ACO Finelli recounted, “We were unsure how we were going to handle [that] particular call, but without a doubt, we were responding.”

A Heartwarming Chihuahua Rescue Story
As soon as they arrived, Finelli and Gruhn were led to the basement and directly to the scene of the crime: the HVAC unit. From inside, they could hear Scooby’s “muffled bark,” as he was “completely secured” in the tight space. ACO Finelli says, “Gruhn and I determined we could get to him by removing the front panel of the unit.” So, they got to work immediately as Scooby patiently waited in the cold, metal compartment. Finelli explains that using problem-solving skills on the spot is critical, adding, “[Our] team does an excellent job of coming up with solutions to complex situations.” In this case, it was a scene they hadn’t encountered before.
A Happy Ending
It took time to open the unit to gain access to Scooby due to the limited amount of space they had to work with. “There may have been a comment, ‘Scooby-Doo, where are you?'” ACO Finelli recalls. But when the time came to unmask the tiny Chihuahua as they lifted the cover, there he was—bewildered, peering out from behind wires and tubing, and unable to move. The elderly Chihuahua was willingly lifted from the cramped enclosure. “For an old fellow, he was very easy to handle,” Finelli says. Of course, his owner was relieved as well and thanked the officers for their rescue efforts. Thankfully, the tiny dog was visibly unharmed by the alarming incident.

Broader Implications and Precautions
Followers of the Lincoln Animal Control Facebook page were impressed by the work of the ACOs, praising their act of compassion that saved Scooby. “Wow!! Not the typical rescue operation. Great work, AC! ” one commented. Another wrote, “Had that happen with a kitten once. Was an adventure.” As it turns out, it’s not unheard of for pets to become trapped in tight spaces. In November 2024, firefighters had to rescue a female cat named John after her head accidentally got stuck inside a drainpipe. She had to be carefully cut loose using tiny tools and a lot of patience. She was treated for injuries once freed and survived the ordeal.
Two months earlier, in September, Rocky the German Shepard “poked his nose through a cracked upper-story window” at his house in Revere, Massachusetts and climbed out onto the second-story roof. The problem was—the big guy couldn’t figure out how to get back into the house. Revere Animal Control responded quickly, and the Officer brought the dog inside to safety, as reported by The New York Post. Like Scooby and John, Rocky was also lucky to have avoided a potential disaster, thanks to caring professionals. Accidents happen, but there are ways to make an environment safer for small pets.
Chihuahua-Proofing Your Home
So, which precautions can owners take to Chihuahua-proof their home and stop incidents like these from happening? Officer Finelli recommends ensuring that “all grates to heating and cooling inside your home are completely secured to prevent accidents from happening to your small animals.”
Chihuahuas may face greater dangers due to their petite size, so it’s important to be vigilant when checking for risks. The Chihuahua Chronicles suggests securing loose electrical wires that can be tempting for chewers. And for small dogs who are constantly searching their surroundings, they say things like “coins, buttons, and jewelry […] can be choking hazards.” Keeping dog toys around can provide a safer, more enticing option to distract your pup. The same can be said for outside your home when it comes to avoiding unnecessary accidents. As ACO Finelli says, “This goes for any holes on your property that could be a falling hazard.”

When Accidents Happen
Despite these efforts, pets are natural investigators, and they still may find themselves in a bind. If your small dog happens to slip down an AC vent like Alice in Wonderland—or, in this case, Scooby the Chihuahua—help is always available. We recommend leaving it to the compassionate, hard-working professionals trained to assist with trapped animals. You can locate and contact a nearby animal control agency by searching online for one in your area. If your pet ends up on a roof or another high place that seems difficult to reach, the fire department can help. Rather than attempt a risky rescue yourself, let them be the heroes of your story.
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